All you need to do is to register and you will be able to post unlimited listing but a "Featured Listing" comes with a fee.
A claimed business page is one that has been claimed by the owner or representative of the business through our verification process. Claiming is free, and a claimed page does not mean that the business is an advertiser with DirectoryHub UK.
No, it's completely free to claim a business page on DirectoryHub UK.
The easiest way to claim your business page is to search for it at . If you start there, we'll walk you through all the steps to claim your page and set up your business account.
We highly encourage business owners to claim their business page, to receive inquiries from non-registered website visitors and eventually will result to a lead generation.
It may have already been claimed by someone else or the business page may be recently submitted and pending approval. You might need to provide necessary documents to claim your business page.